Partonomy list P3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

veins of brain stem (pair)

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Top level cardiovascular system Short Extended
Level 2 cerebrospinal venous system Short Extended
Current level veins of brain stem (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
51335 4624 tax
veins of brain stem (pair)
venae trunci encephali (par)
51336 4625 tax
pontomesencephalic vein (pair)
vena pontomesencephalica (par)
51339 4626 tax
interpeduncular veins (pair)
venae interpedunculares (par)
9012 tax
anteromedial mesencephalic veins (pair)
venae mesencephalicae anteromediales (par)
9013 tax
anterolateral mesencephalic veins (pair)
venae mesencephalicae anterolaterales (par)
51340 4627 tax
intercollicular vein (pair)
vena intercollicularis (par)
9016 tax
posterior mesencephalic veins (pair)
venae mesencephalicae posteriores (par)
51341 4628 tax
lateral mesencephalic veins (pair)
venae mesencephalicae laterales (par)
51342 4629 tax
pontine veins (pair)
venae pontinae (par)
51346 4630 tax
anteromedian pontine vein (pair)
vena pontina anteromediana (par)
anteromedial pontine veins (pair)
venae pontinae anteromediales (par)
4631 tax
anterolateral pontine veins (pair)
venae pontinae anterolaterales (par)
4632 tax
transverse pontine veins (pair)
venae pontinae transversae (par)
51349 4633 tax
lateral pontine veins (pair)
venae pontinae laterales (par)
4634 tax
veins of medulla oblongata (pair)
venae medullae oblongatae (par)
51390 4635 tax
anteromedian medullary vein (pair)
vena medullaris anteromediana (par)
anteromedial medullary veins (pair)
venae medullares anteromediales (par)
51391 4636 tax
anterolateral medullary veins (pair)
venae medullares anterolaterales (par)
4637 tax
transverse medullary veins (pair)
venae medullares transversae (par)
4638 tax
posterior medullary veins (pair)
venae medullares posteriores (par)
51394 4639 tax
posteromedian medullary vein (pair)
vena medullaris posteromediana (par)
51344 4640 tax
vein of lateral recess of fourth ventricle (pair)
vena recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti (par)
51345 4641 tax
vein of posterior cerebellomedullary cistern (pair)
vena cisternae cerebellomedullaris posterioris (par)
23 lines
30.4 %
30.4 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Although the Venae cerebri superiores (Superficial cerebral veins) are rather variable, here the subdivision suggested by Rhoton (2002 Neurosurgery 51, Suppl1:S159-204) is followed. The Superior cerebral veins drain to the Superior sagittal sinus, whereas the Venae cerebri inferiores drain into the Sinuses along the Cranial base. For the Venae trunci encephali and Venae cerebelli, Duvernoy HM (1995 The Human Brain Stem and Cerebellum. Springer, Vienna) is followed.
See note # 4590
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 4624
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 68
Number of children 68 (validated)
Proper units 23
Number of units 23 (validated)
Signature 13098 (validated since 14.4.2018)
Date: 24.01.2025